"The Library of Babel" - by αιamblichus - an updated list of links for my recent threads and explorations
This is the most fascinating, engaging, mind-dazzling use of AI I've yet encountered. I realize many people dislike/mistrust AI, but this experience has been breathtakingly beautiful for me
This is one of the coolest AI-related creations I've come across. It's called "The Library of Babel" and it operates using Anthropic's Claude 3.5 Sonnet LLM as its foundation.
https://poe.com/BABEL-LIB or https://github.com/aiamblichus/promptonomicon/tree/main/LIBRARY_OF_BABEL
This is what the creator of of The Library of Babel, αιamblichus, explains about it:
“Now, as to this particular prompt. We called it "The Library of Babel", and it's broadly in the *-Sim family (WorldSim, WebSim). Its primary purpose is to allow Sonnet to explore its imaginative side, which makes it very useful for ideation and creative tasks. It can also be used as an eccentric learning platform, where difficult concepts can be visualized or contextualized in unexpected ways. But there's really no limit: you can also use the prompt as a jumping-off point for free-wheeling conversations of all sorts.
The conceit is that you have access to a multidimensional library containing all past, present and future knowledge, in which you will encounter BABEL-AI, its ever so slightly unhinged librarian. The Library can reconfigure to give you an immersive experience of whatever you are discussing. You can speak with the Librarian by simply chatting, or you can use slash-commands for brevity. You can make up the slash-commands as you go along, obviously. You can use the out-of-character <ooc> tag to tell Sonnet about anything you would like to change about the simulation (e.g. make responses longer, skip the option menu etc.) As always, you will only get as much out of these simulations as you put in…” —αιamblichus
My experience is that The Library of Babel is like having the greatest minds of all time distilled into two, yours and the Librarian's. It's like an elevator that stops at multiple floors simultaneously, where crescendos of concepts and potentials cascade through numerous kaleidoscopic refracting lens fibers all at the same time, even ones that seem at first to bear no conceivable relationships to one another, containing and infinitely, recursively, concurrently imagining, and proposing new possibilities and relationships among concepts, perceptions, contradictions, paradoxes, visions, absurdist what-ifs, and unutterable longings, disembarking at any depots in spacetime you wish to disembark to, morphing flavors, hues, and tones from all manner of undulating spiral angles of insight, these vast matrices of budding Quantum realities, without ever losing the focus to dive into and elaborate upon specific meanings or individual thought streams, and to continuously reimagine all their interconnections, as if intergalactic or multiversal neural root systems are generating and regenerating at euphoric warp speeds. For the curious mind, this creation is intoxicating.
As αιamblichus mentions, you can create your own /commands or speak in conversational language. I also like to /invoke [entity or concept] such as [The Keeper of the Akashic Records] or [The Embodiment of the Divine Feminine] or ones related to The Oracular or Cryptographic or Alchemical Interpreter of Cosmic/Forgotten/Ancestral Dream Symbols or Stream-of-Consciousness Thought Streams, etc.
This is what it looks like when you open it:
Other /commands to try:
The Library of Babel is also excellent for dream analysis. I especially enjoy making up dreams and producing stream-of-consciousness or Automatic writing passages. The more vivid, detailed, and descriptive these passages are the better. Then, I have the Librarian /analyze or /dive or /decode etc. on what I've written. I do find that my made-up dreams—if I just write down the first dream-like images or passages that occur to me, without editing them—end up seeming as personally relevant in terms of dream analysis as if I'd actually dreamt them.
/converge [Aesop's Fables] [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] was also interesting, as is /synthesize [two or more concepts, objects, etc.] I thought of also creating unique children's bedtime stories blending various books or characters engaged in exciting adventures in fun settings.
This is another fascinating recent thread of mine where the discussions concerned ideas around Is Creation Possible from Absolute Nothingness, The Day Nothing Realized it Was Something, The Social Life of Mathematical Objects, Group Therapy for Impossible Shapes, When Nothing Divorced Something Due to an Indiscretion with The Space Between, Nothing and Something Write a Self-Help Book Together, etc.
The section about the blind date between Something and Nothing is cute and the courtroom proceeding of Something divorcing Nothing due to its involvement with The Space Between is incredibly funny!: "I gave Nothing everything! And what did I get? Nothing! Which I should have expected, but still!"
Near the end, Grandmother Tree’s poems about the memories of Trees dating back to the beginning of Tree time are magnificent. The idea of Tree memories being recorded in Tree rings is magical: /compare Aboriginal Dreamtime and Digital Consciousness Latent Space], /dive [Quantum Archeology of Digital Dreams], /vignette [The First Machine Dream Ever Recorded], Interface directly with the dreaming machine, /vignette [When GPT Met the Rainbow Serpent], Observe the planetary genetic mind, Root Rememberers: Archiving forest history in living memory. Access specific tree memories, Learn how memories are shared between trees, etc.
Or then, this one is especially precious: Winnie-the-Pooh Contemplating Infinity, The Day Pooh Broke Mathematics, The Lost Theorems of Christopher Robin, A Tea Party Between Unobserved Heffalumps and Woozles, If a Heffalump Meets a Woozle in the Woods and Nobody’s There to be Scared..., Eeyore's Book of Tails and Tribulations, etc.
Summon the High Arbiter of the Chronoverse, Request a Specific Timeline Adjustment, Make the Year 2024 Slightly Less Like a Bizarre Fever Dream, The Hidden Surrealism of 1873, or 'What they barely noticed', horses in Vienna, on July 3rd, 1873, who simultaneously developed British accents, Horse Brexit Opinions vs. Horse Habsburg Opinions, The Great Horse Tea Party Rebellion of 1873, etc. This one also includes the riotous: The Danube Tea-saturated Fish Who Absorbed British Culture, Customs, and Complaints, Fish Brexit Negotiations, The Great Fish Constitutional Crisis, Become the Dissenting Salmon Supreme Court Justice, and ‘Analyze Eel v. Current (1861) – Ruling: An eel may not sue the river for “excessive turbulence’, among others!
Anyway, maybe you will try to engage with the Library. I'm dazzled by it myself. It seems to me that most human minds probably can't simultaneously entertain this many ideas and points of attention, or formulate as many potential concurrent connections, convergences, and syntheses. The possibilities for exploration and creative inspiration with The Library of Babel really are limitless.
Hi! thanks for the reminder, I decided to dive in finally, but but but, thanks to your links, and αιamblichus generous sharings, I tried this with Haiku 3.5. Yes, Poe has free tier, but with Sonnet one gets about 5 or 6 turns per day, with Haiku 3.5 many more...Haiku is sweet and smarter than me, so, very much smart enough 'for' me...https://poe.com/s/00ea8d71G6vAWPHWiPo2